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Well, here's the deal. There are a lot of factors that go into deciding what to charge for something. I want to be fair to both you and myself. No, you probably don't want to pay $75 for a scarf, even if it did take me 5 hours to make and I used $20 worth of yarn. So I will try to come up with a reasonable price that's both fair to me and that makes you feel like you're not getting ripped off. In order to do this, I need you to contact me and tell me what it is you're looking for. Which brings me to the following:

Because just about everything I make is custom made, I don't have inventory just sitting around. This is more of a "You tell me what you want, exactly, and I will do everything I can to make you happy," type of situation. You can be vague - for example, "I want a teddy bear." Or you can be specific - "I want an 18" purple teddy bear made with bamboo yarn and a third eye in the middle of its forehead, holding a lotus flower." Whatever floats your boat. I really don't care, as long as I feel capable of making it. But depending on what you would like me to make, it will affect the price. So the best thing to do, really, is get in contact with me. We can work together to make sure you're going to be happy with the item you receive.

I am happy to ship anywhere in the US. I will estimate the shipping cost through the US Postal Service and include it in the price of your item. If you are ordering a gift for someone, I would be happy to wrap it and include a little handwritten note with the item. Please be sure to contact me well in advance of the occasion so that I can be sure to have it completed and ready to ship in time. A month ahead is not too early. Two months ahead is not too early. I do have a toddler. Best to err on the side of caution. A large blanket can take 40 hours or more to make.



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